Supporting AV creators today through collaborative platforms
Participants: Lucía García Rodríguez (LABoral), Daniel Romero (hTh-CDN), Anaïs Rolez (Le Lie Unique), Patrick Gyger (Le Lieu Unique), Taïca Replansky (CTM /Disk) , Veronika Liebl (Ars Electronica).
The European Network for Contemporary Audiovisual Creation (ENCAC) presented itself as a partner platform of excellence integrated by prestigious cultural institutions whose mission is to facilitate, promote, inspire, support and create new opportunities and challenges, making the results available for the creative community, a wide range of audiences and the audiovisual industry with the aim of establishing a prototypical collaboration for knowledge-sharing.
Each partner explained its role and its expertise and experience in order to be able to explain this multidisciplinary alliance as a new model of cooperation, a new way of reflecting and doing towards the innovation and growth of the audiovisual sector through digital technologies.