
Paul Prudence

Reino Unido


Paul Prudence is an artist and audio-visual performer working with generative video environments and acousmatic sound. His work, which has been shown and performed internationally, focuses on the ways in which sound, space and form can be cross-wired to create live-cinematic visual-music experiences.

Paul is a contributing writer to both Holo and Neural, printed magazines that explore the intersections of media art, electronic culture and computational creativity. He also maintains the weblog Dataisnature exploring the interrelationships between natural processes, computational systems and procedural-based art practices.


Force Field

    1. Dmitry Gelfand y Evelina Domnitch (Rusia, Bielorrusia)
    1. Paul Prudence (Reino Unido)


8-12.09. 2016 Performance

ENCAC @ Ars Electronica 2016

    1. Dmitry Gelfand y Evelina Domnitch (Rusia, Bielorrusia)
    1. Paul Prudence (Reino Unido)
    1. Tomonaga Tokuyama (Japón)